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helping locals!

"The greatness of a community is most accurately measured by the compassionate actions of its members."

– Coretta Scott King

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About us

At ADP - Alimentos Del Pueblo, we strive to create a resilient and thriving local economy, ensuring sustainable growth and prosperity for all. 

As the world grappled with the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, businesses found themselves trapped in a tangled web of restrictions and shutdowns. The once-thriving establishments that once welcomed patrons with open arms were now left to wither in the shadows of uncertainty. They recognized the urgent need for security measures in these trying times, particularly for smaller businesses who couldn't afford to invest in their own protection. 

ADP didn't just stop at mere financial aid. Understanding that for businesses to thrive, they needed more than just monetary support. They became a steadfast ally, a pillar of strength, providing operational security to safeguard these establishments from the ravages of uncertainty and vandalism. 

However, ADP understood that there was another side to this story, a side that demanded compassion and understanding. They recognized the plight of the non-housed residents who were resorting to desperate measures, inadvertently causing damage to personal property. ADP wanted to be more than just a voice for local businesses; they wanted to be a voice for the entire community. They advocated tirelessly for a balanced approach, acknowledging the homeless pandemic while ensuring that local businesses were not unfairly burdened by the aftermath. 

With an unwavering commitment to their cause, ADP has become the champion that local businesses needed in these testing times. Their dedication to providing operational security and financial support has restored a sense of hope and resilience to a community that had almost lost its way. 

So, if you are a local business in need of a helping hand, look no further than ADP - Alimentos Del Pueblo. They are not just a company; they are a force of change, a symbol of unity, and an unwavering defender of your dreams. Trust in ADP, and together, we can rebuild, revive, and thrive. .

Our History

Alimentos del Pueblo translates to Nutrients for the Town. This is the original name and idea of the non-profit organization to support Cuautla Jalisco Mexico and its social needs. It was my turn to help out in my parent's native town. The drastic water shortage Cuautla Jalisco experienced back in 2022 was devastating to the region. That was my call to action, in partnerships with various businesses in the USA that have roots in Cuautla Jalisco Mexico, and with the help of Don Pancho tortillas. We put together a rebate program with tortilla sales. With the tortilla funds, we were able help to bring electricity to the new water Well the town badly needed. The next item is a garbage truck, seeing 4 to 5 guys jumping up and down on a dump truck is not a good thing. I was present when one of the guys sliced his leg on a large piece of broken glass. 

But now my hometown of Burien WA is in greater need of support we have a terrible situation with homeless people, drug sales, drug dealers, prostitution, thefts, break-ins, and drug overdose deaths. The businesses around our mall needed help I needed help. So now the focus in Burien and its community.

Our Values

Integrity: Demonstrating honesty, transparency, and ethical behavior in all actions and decisions.
Accountability: Taking responsibility for one’s actions and ensuring the achievement of goals.
Respect: Treating everyone with dignity, empathy, and fairness, regardless of their background or position.
Social Responsibility: Giving back to the community and promoting positive social impact.
Trust: Fostering an environment of trust by being reliable, consistent, and transparent.
Safety: Prioritizing the safety and well-being of employees, customers, and the community.

Our Vison

To create a future where communities flourish, in a society rooted in solidarity, sustainability, and prosperity. With unwavering commitment, we aim to offer comprehensive support to our partners, ensuring their safety both in terms of security and financial stability. We envision a future were compassion reigns supreme. We envision a future where our efforts inspire others to join us in building a society that prioritizes the well-being and progress of all its members. Together, we will shape a brighter and more.


To empower local businesses by delivering operational security and financial support that fosters their growth and success. We are committed to being a reliable and trusted partner, providing innovative solutions that meet the unique needs of each business we serve.


The Burien City Council must organize all outreach efforts with the business community. Please reach out to the business and property owners to communicate dates, times, type of outreach and clean up plans prior to any outreach. This will help in weeding out the drug sellers and prostitution that hide between the outreach efforts.

Thank you for your patience and understanding!

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Lorem text is also used to demonstrate the appearance of different typefaces and layouts, and in general the content of dummy text is nonsensical. Dummy texts have been in use by typesetters since the 16th century.

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Contact Info

ADP - Alimentos Del Pueblo
206 SW 152nd St
Seattle, WA 98166


(206) 243-1797

© Copyright 2024. ADP - Alimentos Del Pueblo. All Rights Reserved.